Golf Academy

Albarella Golf Links


Albarella Golf Links is the ultimate place to improve your game or simply approach to the game of golf.

The long driving range, stretches for 260 meters toward the sea; its width of 100 meters means that here it’s possible to practice from the grass for 12 months a year.
Ther are also 4 sheltered posts and 120 sqm indoor facility that ensure the possibility to practice in every climatic condition.
The Academy offers also a Short Game Area with putting green, chipping green, pitching green and a practice bunker.
The facility hosts regularly training sessions for professionals and amateurs, Federation Approved summer schools for children, patented clinics for young players, courses for advanced players and beginners.


Everything that is measurable can be improved!

Why estimate when we can accurately measure ?

The D7 Golf, with its PGA head-pro Antonio Dissette, offers to the golfers the most advanced technology for the golf improvement.

Technologies as K-Vest e Flightscope allows golfers to measure the swing efficacy thus defining a working plan to take forward at home with their teaching pro. We can execute the video analysis with the help of a Stabilometric Board, in order to assess how the center of gravity shifts troughout the swing and to control the distribution of the pressure applied on the ground trough the feet.
The academy offers also the possibility to analize the putt with the CAPTO technology and to execute a fitting session.
Every player will receive via email an Ebook with the test results and the video-analysis with the pro’s commentary.



State-of-the-art sports equipment



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K-Vest is a sophisticated system of analysis of the rhythm and posture of the golfer during the swing.
Developed by the Titleist Performance Institute, it is now used in the world’s most prestigious Golf academies to improve performance at any level of play.

The student wears two special corsets, one dorsal and the other lumbar, in which are inserted wireless sensors that record the movement. A third sensor is inserted on the left glove.
The data collected in this way is sent to a PC, where the 3D TPI software decodes and reproduces the instantaneous position of each part of the body at address, at the top of the backswing and trough the impact, providing a summary that indicates what are the points on which to work.

A special training mode will allow the player to watch live during the exercise. The student can follow in real time the variation of the numerical data and the color of the animation on the computer screen.
An acoustic feedback emits a continuous musical note when the position is correct. This allows the student to take care of the posture without looking at the screen. The constant execution of the exercise allows to acquire with naturalness the posture, and to recheck it in successive periods, maybe when there was the suspicion of a worsening following a trauma, a bad compensation with clubs not suitable or a simply a drift for bad habitudes.


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The new X3 has opened a new path to three-dimensional analysis of the parameters of the ball’s launch and flight: the fusion tracking. Thanks to the camera located inside the instrument, X3 confirms with the process of the image of the ball in motion the data provided by reading the doppler radar. This eliminates the inaccuracy due to physical and mechanical interference that can interact with electromagnetic waves, and finally allows you to read even the shortest shots, such as a chip or a putt.

X3 measures and provides data that have never been available before in a launch monitor with doppler radar technology, such as the speed of the ball in the putting, its trajectory after the impact, the angle of the putter’s face, the point of contact on his head, etc. It also shows what happens to the ball throughout its path, with a graph that measures the initial carry distance, the subsequent slip, and finally rolling on the green. No more _ estimates" but numbers and graphs with which to improve performance. The new App allows today to prepare a lesson commented on all aspects of swing. It is possible to convey on the screen not only the data obtained from the instrument together with the video analysis, but also those of its kinetics, through the dynamic image of the recording of the Boditrak, or those of the state of anxiety of the player, provided by Focus Band.A multi-purpose tool, connected with external cameras in different angles, for an all-round view of the player.




Balls and equipment will be provided during the lessons.


Length of lesson Price per person
1 hour € 60,00
1/2 hour € 30,00



Activity Prezzo 


€ 100,00

TPI profiling

€ 100,00

K-VEST analysis

€ 60,00

CAPTO putt analysis

€ 60,00

Video-analysis with Stabilometric Board

€ 60,00

Ebook publication

€ 20,00



From Monday to Friday (5 days, 2 hours each day).
Min. 2 people, Max. 6 people. 

N. of attendees Price per person
2 people € 350,00
3 people € 300,00
4 people € 280,00
5 people € 240,00
6 people € 220,00

Lenght 2 days, 1 hours each day. Min. 2 people, Max. 6 people. Program: analysis of the game foundamentals, grip & setup, mechanics of the swing , short game: pitching, putting e bunker game.

N. of attendees Priceper person
2 people € 165,00
3 people € 150,00
4 people € 140,00
5 people € 125,00
6 people € 115,00



During the months of July and August, riserve for from 7 to 14 years of age.
Length: 3 session of 2 hours. Min. 3, Max. 6 kids.


N. of attendees Price per person
3 kids € 155,00
4 kids € 120,00
5 kids € 105,00
6 kids € 95,00


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PlayGolf 54


Albarella Golf Links
via Po di Levante, 4, 

45010 Rosolina RO

+ 39 0426 330124
+ 39 339 2575923

